In-House Competitions

Each month we hold an open themed Projected Images Night and a Print Night as well as five Nature Nights throughout the season. All members are welcome to participate. These friendly, in-house competitions each have a set of guidelines determining how your images should be submitted which will be emailed to all members prior to the meeting night.

Workshop + Presentation Nights

We also offer Workshop and Presentation Evenings which vary from in-house photo discussions to opportunities to learn new skills and techniques from guest speakers and presenters.

Outside Competitions

LGCC is a member of the Canadian Association of Photographic Arts (CAPA) and we participate in CAPA sponsored competitions as well as a variety of other photographic competitions throughout the year.


Create an Account

If you do not have a Login Name, use the button below to create an account and request membership in this organization. If you already have a Visual Pursuits account for any other organization, login with your account and use the menu "My Account", "Organizations" to request membership in this organization. That page will also provide links to other organizations.

If you are judging competitions or registering for a public event, you do not need to request membership. If you have an existing account with any organization using the Visual Pursuits service, login to this website with that account. If you do not have an account and do not need membership, use the button below to create a Guest account.

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